Flip Flopping Polarities
Jul 08, 2011
In response to Annie’s question about Luke and Huuney, yes, Luke can be a great flip/flopper. I used to say flipping polarities for both front-to-back spinning ← → and top-to-bottom ↓ ↑ rolling over, but I’ve added “flopping” to make the distinction between the two because while they are related they are indeed separate phenomenon. […]
The Hungry Mind and the Runner’s High
Feb 20, 2011
From time to time I want to point to science that while studying a different subject, can nevertheless shed light on the nature of animal consciousness. The main premise of my model for the animal mind is that the hunger/balance processes of the body and brain, do double, triple and ever-more elaborate duty in their […]
Dogs Sleeping On The Bed
Jan 27, 2011
What could be cozier, a dog snuggled deep into the comforter on a raw winter’s night, warming the bed, groaning and sighing with drowsy contentment while the cold winter wind bites and whips against the bedroom window? When my father and I floated the Cains River in New Brunswick, Canada during the last run of […]
The Heart of the Matter
Aug 18, 2010
Some recent questions posed by Heather really bring us to the heart of the matter. 1) Heather: “It is good that we don’t have to understand the physics when 2 dogs are in motion ;)” KB: Yes, while the laws of motion are simple, the actual computations are vast and too complicated for most of […]