Emotion is a Universal Code
Sep 25, 2014
Little by little, science is coming closer to understanding emotion as the universal operating system of animal consciousness. In this study, http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22329873.100-primal-pull-of-a-baby-crying-reaches-across-species.html#.VBzBnsZ3RBV various species of animals are found to respond to the distress calls of other species’ infants. This is because an infant no matter the species is an emotional ground, a preyful essence. Similarly, […]
More Animal Magnetism
Jan 14, 2014
“Secrets of Snow-Diving Foxes” http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2014/01/03/259136596/youre-invisible-but-ill-eat-you-anyway-secrets-of-snow-diving-foxes?utm_content=socialflow&utm_campaign=nprfacebook&utm_source=npr&utm_medium=face-book Condensed Version Snow-diving foxes hunt snow-bound mice by aligning with magnetic field of the earth. NDT theory posits that the electromagnetic principles by which proto-cells evolved into living, replicating cells, continued to evolve into how living beings interact with each other. It became the basis of emotion via the prey/predator […]