Consciousness is Energy
Aug 09, 2013
Consciousness is energy, its interface with nature is emotion, and like energy consciousness as emotion moves as a wave. These waves are physically embodied as emotional affects (butterflies in the stomach, chill up the spine, queasy feeling, wobbly in the knees, shortness of breath, sense of weightlessness, flow, resonance, etc., etc.); affects that evolved in […]
Point Four: Physical Memory
Jul 30, 2013
While I do not expect an interesting dialogue to emerge from this post/counter-post exchange with the Unknown Scientist, I nevertheless welcome the opportunity to rub my theory up against the mainstream in order to render some important distinctions that can help bring the emotional dynamic into sharper relief and hopefully make the effort worthwhile […]
The Reactive Dog and the Power of Will
Jun 12, 2012
Impulse Control There’s a lot being said these days about impulse control given the increasing number of dogs being defined as “reactive.” A dog that over reacts to innocuous events, does so because it feels compressed and it feels this way because it perceives itself to be the object-of-attention. After repeated sensitizations, the threshold of […]