Victor Ros from his web site:
“The myths that man has attached to the horse, and the motives we impute to it, continue to form a set of unconscious and often unexamined assumptions about equine nature”
Why not examine the number one assumption? Than animals formulate a sense-of-self as does a human. The number one untested assumption that continues to form an unconscious belief system in the scientific treatments of an animal’s nature, is that animals formulate a sense of a self by seeing it relief against their surroundings, and that they are then driven by an intention. This belief system attaches many myths to what we think about animals. We are still projecting our sense of a self, onto an animal’s sense of its self. There is however a way to uncover these unconscious beliefs and then test them through an objective and rigorous system of analysis, i.e. the immediate-moment method. Everything else is a personality theory.
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