See “Buttermilk” Run
Mar 25, 2016
The video below is a vivid example of the locomotive rhythm as basis of the animal mind, and how the mechanics of movement reveals the mechanics of the mind. From movement an animal derives its metric of self, safety, pleasure, well-being and constructs its view of reality. Objects come to mind, achieve their mental […]
The Body Does More Than Carry The Head Around
Feb 22, 2015
Most treatments of behavior, as far as I know, treat the brain as the seat of the mind and the sole computer of behavior. In my reading of canine behavior however I’ve learned that anatomy is more important in how the mind composes its view of reality than cognitive processes. An organism learns about the […]
Why Do Good Dogs Do Bad Things?
Jun 10, 2009
Question: if dogs are social by nature as Natural Dog Training claims them to be, how could a dog ever do something “anti-social?” Answer: because emotion must move. A brief primer on emotion: Emotion is energy. And as pure energy, before it becomes entangled in the higher processes of the nervous system and either elaborates […]
Why Do Dogs Love Car Rides?
Jun 01, 2009
Dogs love car rides because they feel as if they are on a hunt. For example, cats never love car rides, or at best merely learn to endure them because when riding in a car cats don’t feel as if they are on a hunt. Why when in a moving car, can a dog feel […]