The Math Underlying Natural Dog Training
Mar 07, 2013
(This is a long article to demonstrate how recent science validates the theory of Natural Dog Training as first articulated in the 1980’s.) Text: Sometimes critics ask for the math that substantiates the theory that underlies Natural Dog Training (emotion=attraction—-feelings=resistance) which is a little tough given that I’m not a mathematician. And the request is […]
Design In Nature -6-
Mar 14, 2012
Design In Nature: “As we have seen time and again, the constructal law was just waiting to be discovered. Its manifestations are so obvious and ubiquitous that we have danced around it for centuries—the hunches of scientists, the metaphors of poets and mystics, and everyday language (for example, “the tree of life,” “go with the […]
Dogs Decoded
Jan 20, 2011
Thanks to Chris Duncan for highlighting this film. I have to say it’s a stunning confirmation of NDT view of dog nature, domestication and emotional rapport. 1) Relationship between man and dog much older than previously thought and traces to Gray Wolf. 2) The hunting relationship most likely scenario for inter-species entanglement. Furthermore this […]
Mother Knows Best?
Sep 20, 2010
Donnie poses the following Stump A Chump question: “In one of the Quantum Canine episodes (can’t remember which) you explain a mama dog biting her young not as a correction but as “imprinting fear” so that when they see large prey they know not to go after the strong, healthy ones. Wouldn’t this imply that […]
Jayward Thinking and Self-Defeating Logic Loops
Aug 22, 2010
One of the reasons the energy argument I’m making on this website strikes some as stupendous is because unless one can articulate the distinction between emotion and instinct, and between a feeling and a thought, then one doesn’t know what emotion is or what a feeling is, which means the terms will be used loosely […]
I was just told that Kevin Behan is into the old wolf pack theory etc…
Mar 11, 2010
Actually, I may be the first one to discredit the “old wolf pack theory.” Rather I am into the canine “group theory” and the first to posit the distinction between pack and group, and that there’s no such thing as Alpha-Leader-hood. In 1991 David Mech wrote in “The Way of the Wolf” p. 36: “Perhaps […]
Quantum Canine Episode 2 'No Such Thing as Dominance' Part I
Aug 01, 2009
Kevin Behan and Trisha Selbach discuss dominance in dog training and Kevin Behan’s “Immediate Moment” theory of social organization in wolf packs. They discuss Kevin’s father’s work in training and his influence, as well as what Kevin learned from his own work training police and protection dogs. The discussion continues! Click here when the above […]
Born Wild, Trained to be Free
Jul 28, 2009
“I don’t want to kill my dog,” the man said. He was near tears. He stood in my office telling me that this should be the happiest time in his life. His newborn son had just come home from the hospital, but his dog was aggressive toward strangers and even worse, with children, and now […]
An Interview with Kevin Behan
Jul 26, 2009
Every new client asks me what I think about Cesar Millan the “Dog Whisperer.” They want to know where I might agree and where I don’t. So we had the idea that I would answer questions that were posed to Cesar in an interview he conducted and then one could draw their own distinctions. Link […]