Getting Under The Charge
Jan 02, 2015
Oregon Seminar October 2014 In any particular seminar some idea tends to stand out. While for me it’s all one thing, I know from my experience when learning a new system that something said once might not sink in, but then later in a different context it rings a bell so loud I can hear […]
Drug Detection Dogs and “The Charge”
Feb 07, 2014 I highlight this story for what it can teach us about the power of “ungrounded energy” on a dog’s behavior, the deepest levels of which when abruptly summoned to the surface of awareness, I term “The Charge.” According to learning theory, this dog was trained 100% correctly and I have no doubt it graduated […]
A Snark Is An Explosive Yawn
Jul 02, 2012
Calming signals or emotion as a group mind? Calming? Yes Signal? No The most significant thing in this video is that the brown dog at all times acts as a mirror, as the equal and opposite to the Malamute and, it also has a drive to approach the Malamute, […]
The Function of Dysfunction
Dec 13, 2011
Generally we think of a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth, sinking its fangs into the nearest warm blooded victim, as a crazed, frenetically enraged beast, a “mad dog” on a berserk rampage. Yet if we more closely consider the behavior of a rabid animal, we observe that there is a coherent and time-deferred string […]