Most treatments of behavior, as far as I know, treat the brain as the seat of the mind and the sole computer of behavior. In my reading of canine behavior however I’ve learned that anatomy is more important in how the mind composes its view of reality than cognitive processes. An organism learns about the world by moving through it and absorbing and transmitting forces. The impacts of these exchanges determine its view of the world and these transfers are a function of the capacities and strictures of its anatomy. (Anatomy is so important because this accords a systems logic to behavior that immutably leads to social structure, the basis of evolution. Whereas an individuated logic with instincts thrown in cannot account for social behavior.) The article below shows how gears (never before known to exist in biological adaptations) are integrated into the legs of an insect so that its leaps are synchronized to a degree impossible by a nervous system which wouldn’t be able to process such data fast enough. This capacity to propel itself to this degree of effectiveness would determine how such an organism composes a view of reality, such as it may be. My argument is that this is true of higher animals as well. The body does more than carry the head around. It engages in transfers of force as it moves, these transfers are a function of its anatomy and are the fundamental factor shaping how its mind, and therefore its impressions of the world, evolve.