Rowe NDT Training Session: Nov 11-13
Sep 05, 2016
In Touch with Your Dog: How Getting Physical Helps Dogs Get Calm Rowe Camp and Conference Center November 11 – 13th, 2016 22 Kings Highway Rowe, MA 01367 Learn the “physics” of being physical with your dog, from a master trainer who knows what your dog needs in order to be a calm companion. Register […]
NDT West Presents: Quantum Canine Intro & Master Seminar with Kevin Behan
Sep 16, 2014
NDT West is proud to be able to host Kevin Behan, author of the seminal book Natural Dog Training and Your Dog is Your Mirror. The event will take place September 27-Oct 1 on a private farm in Cornelius, Oregon, about an hour from downtown Portland. There will be two sessions. Saturday and Sunday will be an introduction to Natural […]
From Head to Heart: Obedience Skills the Natural Dog Training Way
Feb 24, 2014
May 22 – 25, 2014 Ninevah, Indiana Join us in Southern Indiana to learn some of the very basics of dog training, – all based from the Natural Dog Training methodology. Kevin Behan and team will be available May 22 – 25th in a hands-on training environment to show you the ins and outs […]
Downward Dog: Restorative Exercises for Dogs & Their Humans: Nov 15-17
Sep 19, 2013
Rowe Center Seminar Presenters Downward Dog: Restorative Exercises for Dogs and Their Humans November 15-17, 2013 Rowe Camp & Conference Center 22 Kings Highway Rowe, MA 01367 Natural Dog Training is pleased to be returning to the Rowe Center for another seminar. With the increasing popularity of the restorative yoga practices, a discussion […]
Natural Dog Training at Battleground, Indiana in August
Feb 24, 2013
August 22 – 25, 2013 Join Kevin Behan in Battleground, Indiana for four days of exciting training and exposure to the Natural Dog Training theory and techniques. This is a special conference for people affiliated with Natural Dog Training and members of the Indiana Crisis Response Team. From Thursday August 22nd, to Sunday, August 25th, […]
Keynote Speaker at BMDCNV Annual Meeting – April 28th
Feb 23, 2013
Please join Kevin Behan as the Keynote Speaker for the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley Sunday, April 28th 10:00am To be held at the Holiday Inn Boxborough 242 Adams Pl Boxborough, MA 01719 Cost: $35; includes buffet and speaker ticket RSVP Here Kevin Behan will join the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba […]
Natural Dog Training Workshop Nov. 4th
Oct 06, 2012
Kevin Behan of Natural Dog Training and author of Your Dog Is Your Mirror is pleased to be conducting a seminar at the New York Open Center! Sunday, November 4th 10:00am – 5:30pm New York Open Center 22 E. 30th Street New York, NY 10016 Ph: 212.219.2527 Open Heart Members: $120 / Non-members $130 […]
April 28th – Gentle Spirit Farm Seminar
Mar 28, 2012
Gentle Spirit Farm Presents Your Dog Is Your Mirror Seminar Saturday, April 28th 1:00 – 4:00 pm The Academy of Dog Training Newark, Delaware Come meet Kevin Behan, one of the nation’s foremost leaders in dog rehabilitation, and author of Your Dog Is Your Mirror and Natural Dog Training. With thirty years of experience, […]
May 10-13: NDT Workshop for Canine Assisted Response & Canine Assisted Therapies
Feb 07, 2012
Join NDT and State of Indiana K-9 Assisted Crisis Response for the Natural Dog Training Workshop for Canine Assisted Response & Canine Assisted Therapies CAMP ATTERBURY Edinburgh, IN May 10-13, 2012 Kevin Behan, founder of Natural Dog Training, will be conducting a seminar and workshop for dogs and handlers at Camp Atterbury […]
New ‘Vacation-Training’ Package for You and Your Pet!
Apr 15, 2011
For those of you who have trained with Kevin Behan in Vermont, you know that heading up for training is not only a trip for your dog, but it can also be a special time for our owners as well. In historic Newfane, the town may be quaint, with only the Newfane Market, bank and […]
The Information Is In The Energy
Mar 21, 2011
Perhaps on a drive through prime horse country you’ve found yourself taken by the view of gleaming, magnificently muscled horses grazing contentedly within fenced in fields presided over by stately barns and manor. Some of these horses are worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars as would of course befit such multi-million dollar equestrian complexes. […]
Kevin Explains How to Feed a Dog by Hand without Getting Bit
Mar 31, 2010
Here is a short video with Kevin explaining how he holds food in his hand while training. This clip includes advice for how to avoid getting bit when feeding by hand.
Seminar: Journey to the Heart of the Dog – Rowe, MA
Mar 17, 2010
Click to Register Online Now the subject of increased scientific inquiry, the connection between dogs and human beings is far more profound than ever imagined. Dogs are the only animal to integrate themselves into every aspect of human existence. Dogs know us “by heart”—this is what bonds humans and dogs and each dog to its […]
What should I do if my dog growls at me? “I told my neighbor what happened and he said his dog growled at him, ONCE. Should I do what my neighbor did?” First, step away from the dog. Step back from the edge. Don’t do anything. Take a deep, deep breath and enjoy a long […]
Isn't Encouraging Prey-making urges dangerous?
Mar 15, 2010
An excellent question from the web: “Since we don’t all “work” our dogs enough to let them fully express their natural prey instincts – we don’t all have access to sheep for herding, wild fowl for hunting, or decoys for biting), pet owners of dogs with high prey drives can really have a hard time […]
Set Your Moose Loose: “I am not a moose, my dog is not a wolf and he doesn’t think I am a moose.”
Mar 13, 2010
True, my critic is right in one sense: a person is not a moose and a dog can never come to THINK of a person as a moose. However a dog doesn’t think its owner is a person either. In fact, a wolf doesn’t think a moose is a moose, or a wolf is a […]
training in drive is nothing new – schutzhund people have always been doing it for example. Herding dog handlers have been doing it for as long as there have been herding dogs.
Mar 11, 2010
True, but no one to date has discussed drive in terms of energy. Drive is focused energy. This then brings us to the question as to how energy acquires focus (the inverse relationship of emotion to stress). Drive theorists to date have not been able to articulate this process without resorting to instincts and thoughts, […]
From what I have read, young wolves DO need to be taught to hunt – what they already have are the ritualistic behaviors that make up the act of hunting, but they need to be taught how to apply them properly
In the seventies I was training a Bernese Mountain Dog and after weeks of training and the dog seeming to have mastered the obedience exercises, I decided to test my control by taking him into the pasture with my father’s herd of cows. Big mistake When the dog was but one millimeter beyond some invisible […]
Crate Duty
Mar 09, 2010
“Hey kid, want to go to the Dentist? Here’s 50 bucks, get on the chair so I can lock you in.” Sooner or later, virtually every puppy, no matter how juicy the tidbit thrown into the back of its crate, is going to balk at going in once it’s now mature enough to form an […]
Trick Training Run Amok
Mar 02, 2010
I don’t want to sound like an ambulance chaser by delving into a discussion of the recent fatal attack by a killer whale against its trainer at Sea World, but I feel compelled to comment because this tragedy speaks to the rise in aggression, in dogs as well, and has direct bearing on how NDT […]
All In A Days’ Work
Feb 19, 2010
People love their dogs so much and take such good care of them that you often hear them say in regards to reincarnation, “I’d like to come back as one of my own dogs.” I on the other hand wouldn’t want to come back as one of my dogs, or as the dog of any […]
Canine Companionship Made in Vermont
Feb 17, 2010

Natural Dog Training creates a lasting bond between you and your dog. Learn how to apply the NDT techniques and get the advice you need direct from Kevin Behan, founder and originator of the Natural Dog Training method. Click for more information, call 1 (802) 365 7913 or email
Kevin Behan’s new book, Your Dog Is Your Mirror is now in bookstores and online. Join the Facebook page for up-to-date information on signings, interviews, and more!
Kevin Pushing and Pulling with Hessian
Kevin Pushing and Pulling with Hessian
On Training a Dog to "OUT"
Nov 10, 2009
I want the word “OUT” to be the decisive trigger that causes the dog to release the grip. But before the dog can be receptive to its handler’s voice, it must first be able to feel its handler and this allows it to be attracted to handler inputs. It must also come to feel that […]
October 23 – 25 Seminar: Journey to the Heart of the Dog
Oct 04, 2009
The connection between dogs and human beings is far more profound than ever imagined. The only animal to integrate themselves into every aspect of human existence, dogs know us “by heart.” Learn what bonds humans and dogs and each dog to its owner. Thinking is what separates our two species; feelings are what we have […]
What is natural in regards to training
Kevin talks about how he uses the term “Natural” in regards to training. The objective is to elicit certain emotional states within a dog so as to work with energy.
Kevin Heel Training with Laszlo
Sep 29, 2009
You can read more about the dog in this clip at the owner’s blog . Laszlo, the doberman in the video, was a rescue dog that “upon adoption [he] instantly manifested all the most disturbing rescue-dog behavior problems you could conceive: unhinged aggression towards dogs, unpredictable edginess with people, jumping up, pulling like a […]
Kevin Training Hero
Sep 05, 2009
Kevin working with Trisha Selbach’s puppy Hero. Kevin explaining his box training method
Quantum Canine 'Trip to the Vet' Episode Intro
Jul 31, 2009
Kevin Behan and Trisha Selbach bring Atikus to the Vets and explain how to vet any dog using the Natural Dog Training method. They discuss how the common conceptions of ‘taming’ your dog, i.e. giving it a lot of ‘love’ and attention, can actually put more stress on your pet. Watch the video for step-by-step […]